Active Transportation
Active transportation is human-powered transportation that engages people in healthy physical activity while they travel from place to place. People walking, bicycling, using strollers, wheelchairs/mobility devices, skateboarding and rollerblading are engaged in active transportation. -ODOT
Creating active transportation plans requires coordination, including developing and documenting walking and bicycling conditions and recommendations at the local, regional, and state levels. It is important that coordinating entities have a common understanding of active transportation needs and how to meet them through project development and implementation, as well as how they relate to other initiatives that support walking and bicycling. ~ODOT
Walk.Bike.Ohio (WBO) is Ohio’s first statewide pedestrian and bicycle plan, and provides a roadmap for overcoming challenges and capitalizing on opportunities as the state moves towards creating a more walkable and bikeable Ohio.
Safer Multimodal Travel
"In many small towns and rural communities, active transportation is even more common than it is in urban areas. However, infrastructure to support active transportation is often limited or absent. Many small and rural communities are located on State and county roadways that were built to design standards that favor high-speed motorized traffic, resulting in a system that makes walking and bicycling less safe and uncomfortable. These roadways can be retrofitted and redesigned over time to provide a transportation network that better serves the safety, health, and economic interests of the community." US DOT & Federal Highway Administration